Mortgage – internal credit in manats up to 5 years from 0%

To buy the apartment with payment of its all cost is inaccessible to many of us. Therefore already long time are used various mechanisms of crediting, including a mortgage. But, in a mortgage it is also necessary to pay attention to the conditions. In particular, delivery of a mortgage in currency in which buyer gains his income creates opportunity for the equal section of risk between the parties.

In a housing estate of “Renessans Palace” all financial operations were from the very beginning carried out only in manats. It occurs because of many reasons. But, first of all, it is connected with own strong production base on which the builder – “AS Group Investment” relies. Lack of dependence on import or deliveries of other companies allow “AS Group Investment” to meet requirements of the clients and to offer them the most favorable conditions of sales.

What does the apartment in “Renessans Palace” more available? Let see the conditions of mortgage – internal credit. An initial contribution – 20%. In case of 3 years mortgage to initial cost will be paid – 5%, 4 years – 7%, 5 year – 10%. To the credit up to two years, percent aren’t charged at all. It is necessary to add also simplified procedure of work with clients in “AS Group Investment” – lack of expenses on preparation of documentation and bail providing, etc. All of it is notable advantage of the “Renessans Palace”.